Rise Up

Concert Band Level 3

4/4 , 2/4, 3/4 time; C Minor/Eb Major, G Minor/Bb Major

"Rise Up" was commissioned by the Seven Oaks School Division for their 2024 "Arts in the Park" celebration, and was premiered on May 29, 2024. The inspiration for "Rise Up" comes from the young musicians at R.F. Morrison School, and the Ukrainian folk song "Oi U Luzi Chervona Kalyna", which is prominent in "Rise Up".

“Rise Up” features a slow mournful introduction, an alaetoric section featuring Ukraininan Army bugle calls, and then a thoughtful and complex presentation of the folk song. It ends on a hopeful note, and gives the optional opportunity for your snare drummer to try marching while improvising their part!


Rise Up