Empty Portraits - Flexible Arrangement
Concert Band Level 1.5
4/4 time, C Minor
...the Haunted Mansion saga continues...
You step into a hallway in The Haunted Mansion. The hallway is long—so long that you can’t see the end. The carpet is dark green, with a red secondary carpet down the middle. Between the pillars on the wall are large, ornately framed portraits. You see a person in the picture…but wait, they’re gone…or are they?
“Empty Portraits” is the middle movement of the Haunted Mansion trilogy. Movements 1 and 3, “The Haunted Mansion”, and “Midnight Waltz”, are available from Grand Mesa Music Publishers.
“Empty Portraits” was written to give young bands a chance to really internalize the dotted quarter - eighth rhythm, introduce them to chords with lots of dissonance, and continue to give every student in the band the opportunity to play great music.
This is the flexible arrangement - for four parts, plus optional percussion. I have also included a piano part that functions as an accompaniment while integrating most of the parts. Please look at the original (on my website) to help you decide which instruments to give which parts if you’re not sure. Part 4 functions as the bass part.
I hope you enjoy “Empty Portraits!”