Empty Portraits by Matt Neufeld
Concert Band Level 1
Empty Portraits
Concert Band Level 1.5
4/4 time, C Minor
...the Haunted Mansion saga continues...
You step into a hallway in The Haunted Mansion. The hallway is long—so long that you can’t see the end. The carpet is dark green, with a red secondary carpet down the middle. Between the pillars on the wall are large, ornately framed portraits. You see a person in the picture…but wait, they’re gone…or are they?
“Empty Portraits” is the middle movement of the Haunted Mansion trilogy. Movements 1 and 3, “The Haunted Mansion”, and “Midnight Waltz”, are available from Grand Mesa Music Publishers.
“Empty Portraits” was written to give young bands a chance to really internalize the dotted quarter - eighth rhythm, introduce them to chords with lots of dissonance, and continue to give every student in the band the opportunity to play great music.
I hope you enjoy “Empty Portraits!”
Empty Portraits is now available to purchase online or through your favourite music store!